Friday, June 20, 2008

Euro 2008

The fruitless struggle between the Croats and the Turks seems to be an analog of my post-college slumber. Capable but sluggish, driven yet reserved. They seem to be trapped in a deadlock, as am I. It looks like they're not trying, as am I.

Monday, June 09, 2008

It won't start

Today I delivered a design, realized I left school in a haze, and read enough commencement speeches to last me for a year.
As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters. – Seneca
My life so far has been splotched with vicissitudes. I never thought I would miss the safe haven that is now known as my alma mater. Having been accustomed to the creature comforts and conveniences of that tiny town in New Jersey, the big city is intimidating. Worrying about quarters for laundry is more taxing than exams and papers, but perhaps I'd rather be doing the former.

I would be returning tomorrow to store some luggage temporarily. I feel like a nomadic squirrel, hiding acorns all over the place just to play it safe. I'll also be dealing with mail, banks, and other errands, but perhaps they're just excuses to quench my eager nostalgia.